October 10, 2014

Hello from Moi

This will sound weird to most but if you know me personally you know I have an eye for detail and style. I have passion and even love fashion. However, I am not photogenic nor do I like to pose. I just don't like it. Maybe once I find a nice way to stand, pose or look I might, so far I have not found one. My man should try helping me out with this. We should both practice shooting and posing until we get the hang of it. It always takes time. We shall see. Nonetheless, I found a few photos of myself and thought to share them with you. Why? Well, just so you see me, and know that it is really me writing this and that I am still around...and not just constantly sitting in my pajamas on the couch writing posts. 

See? I don't know how to pose. I even have to get help from Olaf. We went to a Halloween Store after our monthly massage and that is when I found Olaf. Could not resist but take his head and pose with him. After all, he is my favorite. Plus do you see my devilish smile? Yes, I was starting to feel creepy in that store...bahahahahaha! And yes, I was holding on to the No Parking Pole in Sacramento. Someone had to give that pole some love, you know.

This weekend I am looking forward to spending time with friends I haven't seen in almost two months. I miss having friends around. It can feel really lonely when the only people you know are your mailman {at least he says hello when he sees me}, your man, and the big, fat squirrel named George. So knowing I will see friends this weekend makes me incredibly happy and excited. 

Here's to a fantastic weekend!!!



Marie said...

I don't know how to pose either. I always feel ridiculous. A photographer told me to take a deep breathe and relax, and think of something funny in my head. I have tried that and it seems to work. ha! Have a fantastic weekend!!

C said...

I don't know how to pose at all. I'm also taller than anyone I know so I always have to slouch down in pictures which is not a good look. Haha!


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